WannaSplit Makes Group Buying Easy

We take care of the split payments, split the shipping costs and can even split the delivery for you.

Here’s How WannaSplit Works

Start Shopping

With #WannaSplit, it’s easy to find great bulk-buy discounts on the products and services you want most. Browse all of our great deals when you Shop by Categories.

Looking for something specific or want to see only products available in your area? Use our Quick Search Function at the top of the Home page.

Find Great Deals

For every product or service offered on #WannaSplit, you’ll find amazing discounts. The more units you buy, the bigger the savings.

Making an order just for yourself?

Choose Your Quantity and Buy Immediately. 
Just hit the “Buy” button for the quantity you want, enter your shipping details, and enjoy your savings!

Already know you #WannaSplit the order?

If you already have people that #wannasplit the order with you, just hit the W Split button for the quantity you want to purchase.

You’ll be asked how many you units you personally want to pay for, and that’s the amount you’ll be charged. You only pay for your part of the split!

You even have the option to Share Delivery Costs by having everything shipped to one address. Or, choose Deliver Separately and you’ll only receive your part of the order.

After you checkout, you’ll be given a Split Room link to share with your fellow group buyers, or just enter their email addresses to send their invites automatically.

Everyone has 72 hours to make their purchase and lock-in your great bulk-buy discount.

Want to find people who #WannaSplit?

Just hit the W Split button for the maximum quantity at the best discount price!

Then, use your Split Room link to share the deal with your friends, family and social media followers. Let everyone know they have 72 hours to get in on the deal.

Every unit someone purchases gets you that much closer to the maximum discount. Check your Split Room anytime to see how many purchases have been made.

At the end of the 72 hours, your buying group will be charged at the discounted rate for the total quantity of the group’s purchase. The more your group buys, the more you all save!

Expand your collective buying community!

With #WannaSplit, you don’t have to rely solely on your existing network of friends, family and social groups to reap the rewards of collective purchasing power. 

Join our community, post your #wannasplits to the forum, and find like-minded buyers the world-over. We’re putting the “sharing” back into the #sharingeconomy.